Saturday, 17 November 2012

Posted by Jack | 0 comments

Making a Successful Facebook Post

It is essential to think a creative post that is eye-catching for propaganda,in order to maximize the effectiveness.The improvements of Facebook posts to the way brands can use their network to reach customers and advocates are continuously evolving.With more advanced features in posting,it comes a necessary to think about when making a certain post.

Facebook Posts

Here are few points to assist you in making a successful facebook post.


This is the place,where commonly a team spends most of their time – in the copy. With Facebook’s advanced targeting, you’re capable to generate different messages for various audiences, which make copywriting actually easier.

You have the chance to craft a super-specific and targeted bit of copy that truly speaks to your intended audience, rather than a watered-down, please-them-all bit of copy that may or may not even cause someone to pause in their news feed long enough to get to the meat.

It is totally okay to raise a query,however,don't just ask question with the intention merely to get an answer.Have an answer in mind first and ask a question that not only leads there, but goes further. Also, be sure to bring other pages into the conversation when you can by tagging them in your post.


Undoubtedly,an attractive image is better than words,which are boring and stuffy,a picture is worth a thousand words. Nowhere is this more apparent than in today’s social media landscape with Instagram still gaining and gaining and Pinterest taking the visual desires of many and turning them in to clicks.

Images are quickly becoming an important part of brand marketing strategy .For the first time, the industry is seeing budget set aside for the creation of imagery especially for social network


Yes,probably you have massive of followers on your fan page,but are they the target you aim to?Facebook has rolled out their advanced post targeting  (to pages with more than 5,000 Likes), brands have had the chance to cater a richer experience to their fans than ever before.

By letting brands the opportunity to target specific messaging, Facebook has cut down on that age-old nemesis of advertisers everywhere – noise. Also, they’ve provided a way for brands to more effectively manage their EdgeRank by making sure that users only see content that is hyper-relevant to their interests.

Facebook now allows you to target page posts by:

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Interested In
  4. Relationship Status
  5. Language
  6. Education
  7. Workplace
  8. Location: Country, State, City

Creating a content and tailor it to best suit your target audiences.Be creative to think a customized material by carrying out experiments with  various combinations of images as well as contents in order to test the effectiveness and impact of your post towards the audience.


There are many opinions on when and how often you should post, and that’s another topic for another time, but there are definitely ways you can test and refine your posting cadence – as well as decide when to post to which targets.

You should not just think about what times of day to post,instead,think about wider events like planned press conferences, major sporting events, and other cultural events when you’re laying out your timeline. You don’t want a great post to be overlooked because of something you knew was coming. Also, scheduling posts in advance gives you a chance to move them around if breaking news fills the newsfeed.