Sunday, 11 November 2012

Posted by Jack | 0 comments

Mobile phone telecommunication revolutionizes the IT world

The rapid development of portable telecommunication device and internet has involved all of the IT corporations in.In 2011,the smartphone sales has surpassed 4.89 hundred million,exceeding the sales of PC.Based on the newest investigation made,it is predicted that worldwide mobile phone users will do purchase of virtual or actual commodities via mobile devices at 2014.The commerce scale is impressed,its development by leaps and bounds has bring certain impact to IT entrepreneur.

At the time Apple developed tablet with phone calling features,Nokia,Motorola and other conglomerates still in the dream of satisfied with their sales,they do underestimate the future prospect of smartphone,insufficient of creative and innovative idea.In the end,they missed the chance to abreast with the trend.Motorola mobility been purchased,decline of Nokia sales,not only them but others have also lost their gold opportunity due to stagnancy and slowness.

In general,in era of portable internet,transboundary and consumption are the keywords.First,carry-home devices have successfully provided ultimate features.Surfing,skimming the e-book,complete payment online,downloading stuff and other consumption relating IT techniques,will be the main motivation and goal for IT corporations.

Subsequently,the core of portable internet era,arguably considered as applications and services,the hardware has been gradually marginalized,its profit dropped sharply.Hence,to have better income,improving the applications and services is a must.From now on,either smartphones industries or other IT conglomerates,they will start exploring all the things link to configuration of portable devices and to integrate it in their system of management.

Portable devices have penetrate into every strata of society and market.As of now,IT corporations which make the revoluntion earlier and faster will be the pioneer in their respective field.According to GSMA and Machina Research “Connected Life in 2020″ at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.By the year 2020 there will be 24 billion connected devices worldwide.It  will open up new revenue streams, facilitate new business models, drive efficiencies and improve the way existing services are delivered to create a global business impact worth as much as US$4.5 trillion.